News: Back To The Grind

Working is hard... apparently vacationing is harder.
January 5, 2010

It’s kind of funny how when you’re extremely busy with work and extracurricular activities you often find yourself wishing for a break…. and yet when you get that break – like the wondrous 2 week vacation I just had over the Christmas holidays – you’re left to wonder how the hell you’ve gotten so tired if you in fact have been doing absolutely nothing for a week.

For the past two weeks I’ve been finding myself gradually becoming more and more tired – though whether this was because of the bed I was sleeping on or because I had become so sloth-like in my vacating persona that I regressed to a non-functioning state of utter statuesque indifference is beyond my comprehension. All I know is that I would be sitting down on the couch watching a movie and it would be all I could do to keep my eyes open at 6:00pm……

….having woken up at noon.

Sounds a little odd for a guy who spent the entire last year of university operating on a “sleep when I have time” schedule that professed 3-hour naps every 20 hours or so.

The time for indulging fatigue is all over with now though. After a 12-hour bus ride I’m back in Toronto and back to the grind – and with great plans ahead for 2010….

On top of my regular Art Director duties, I’m filling in for the design editor at t.o.night this week… which now involves me waking up at ungodly hours of the morning to make it in to work. I can’t say I’m pleased with that aspect of the job (especially since in the past when I’ve gone in this early I’ve needed a serious nap when I got home).

I also just bricked my xbox with the dreaded RROD (Red Ring of Death). The patient is currently wrapped in a blanket in hopes I can overheat it and melt the solder back together inside the machine, so fingers crossed it’ll work… I’m just not so sure that with my recent track record of electronics (A dead laptop and a dead LCD in the past two months) that this is going to go over so well …

*knock on wooden desk as I type this*

The first official Heads Up! meeting of 2010 took place Sunday night as well – our hope is that with a better focus, stronger mandate and larger team we’ll be able to take a better stab at it this time around. It also won’t hurt that I’ve been reading up on WordPress themes – as evident by the SFP v5.0 redesign – so a fresh look for will definitely help push our new foray into the gaming news forum.

For now though I’m off to continue my nap….. since I have to get up in a little over an hour so I can get to work….. :\

<3 Stephenson

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