News: I’m sorry for lack of updates….I was homeless…..

Yes indeed. As the headline above reads, I have indeed been homeless for the past month since being booted from the ...
October 2, 2009

Yes indeed.

As the headline above reads, I have indeed been homeless for the past month since being booted from the University of Toronto’s graduate residence at the end of August to make room for their incoming students.

So after a month of couch surfing and inconsistent internet access – most of which was obtained by pirating the WiFi signals from various Starbucks by sitting outside of the store for an hour or two at a time (this way I wouldn’t have to drink their horrible excuse for coffee caffeinated beverages).

I’ve finally settled down into my new little nook in Toronto’s Chinatown with a bunch of awesome roommates whom I found through an ad on Craigslist…..I really didn’t think that would ever be a possibility, though I suppose this is the exception that proves the rule.

We just moved into our new place a few days ago and there are still various things remaining from the place’s previous tenants….which will hopefully be gone by the weekend…..we’ve also got a little bit of a roach problem – like most Chinatown apartments apparently do – though we’re in the process of fixing that with various INSECT DESTROYING POISONS THAT WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THE LITTLE BASTARDS completely harmless green and environmentally friendly chemical treatments.

We’re also caulking every seam in the place and repainting the whole thing.

All in all I figure it’ll take us about a week or two to sort things out, but the place is definitely going to kick ass once we’re done.

Now because of all this random mayhem I haven’t had a lot of time to work on things. So here’s a rundown of what’s on the plate now:

  1. I’ve finished my three-month term at Exclaim! Magazine, so I’ve now taken on two part-time jobs and I am working 65 hours a week to pay for rent and food and various other expenses.
  2. Those other expenses include furniture (mainly a bed and a desk) for my new apartment
  3. My goal is to have the Tridia EP finished by the end of October, so once I retrieve the rest of my belongings from Dave’s place, then I’ll be able to buckle down and get this thing underway – it’ll be nice to play my guitar again since I haven’t played poor poor Natalya in almost a month :'(
  4. I’m currently working on a 1/2-hour promotional video for the University of Waterloo Institute for Quantum Computing.
  5. Dave and I are hoping to pick up a pro video camera tomorrow morning from a guy we tracked down online *fingers crossed*. Then we can get this video show on the road too.
  6. Dave, Oren and I are in the process of reworking HUDisplay into a more feasible short-term structure, since we are all extremely busy – myself with the homeless, now two-jobs and reno thing, Oren with his own reno, and Dave with his own two jobs and an internship. Thus far though, it looks as though with a new camera we’ll at least be able to get the video footage from Toronto’s FanExpo online, and be able to start organizing our (hopefully) weekly video show for the site. We’ll also be working the kinks out of our plan for Canadian developer promotion stories and interviews.

I suppose that’s all for now. Keep rocking in the free world….while I die from exhaustion…..

Hit me back with some emails….at this rate, I REALLY need to live vicariously through you people……for at least a little while anyway…. :/

<3 Stephenson

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