News: Interviews are not jobs……

Before I get to the subject of the headline of this post, let me assure anyone who reads this that ...
May 25, 2009

Before I get to the subject of the headline of this post, let me assure anyone who reads this that I am in fact still alive….though being stuck up here in Timmins with nothing to do, I would say that makes me just BARELY ALIVE.

It turns out I didn’t get into film school. :( I’ve spoken with the director of the program at York and it seems that the reason it took so long to get an answer on my status of admission was because they had a group of really strong applicants and the selection committee had an extremely hard time whittling it down to the 15 that were going to be allowed into the program.

Apparently my submission portfolio wasn’t strong enough, though I’m not even sure at this point if they even saw PR Wars as it was submitted by email after the deadline. So the question as to whether or not that would have tipped the scales in my favour is still weighing fairly heavily on my mind.

In the meantime, I’m currently sitting in Timmins trying to find a job…and I, like most of the youth demographic here cannot find a job anywhere….and I now have a degree behind my name, so that’s saying something. I have had interviews with at a least 10 different potential employers and have yet to find one that is even willing to pay me to act like their go-pher.

I’m going to try to finish up the video for InDesign and the long-cut version of Coke Side of Life sometime in the next week. That way I’ll have accomplished some new material for the re-submission version of the film school portfolio. I also have an inkling for another short film idea, though since I currently don’t possess a camera of my own it will have to sit off in the wings for the time being.

Having said all that, I have been semi-productive around here. I have spent the past two weeks on a contract job digitizing (by hand……read: typing/scanning page by page) a series of mining instruction manuals for one of the big mines up here in Timmins. Ridiculous amount of work, but I have money now to pay off my phone bill for the month. I’m going to try contacting some small companies up here to see if they’d be interested in having their websites redesigned. I figure if I have some skills I might as well start taking some initiative myself instead of waiting for a phone call for yet another interview….


<3 Stephenson :/

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